The Ripple Effect: Mechanic's Liens & Construction Accidents

Host: Cohen Seglias


8:00 am

Refreshments provided by Jay T. Crosby of Emmanuel Insurance. Open networking for 20 minutes.

8:20 am

The group welcomes quick discussion on the future and vision of T.A.P. – Led by Jay T. Crosby of Emmanuel Insurance

Announcement of Business Development Committee – Phil Goodwin of PNC Bank

8:25 am

Lane Kelman, Matt Skaroff, and Jay T. Crosby will present - “The Ripple Effect: Mechanic's Liens & Construction Accidents”

Construction is a complex process that involves coordinating and contracting between many different entities. With certain issues and events on projects, we often see “chain reactions” that affect multiple parties and ripple up and down the relationship chain. In this presentation, we will discuss two unrelated occurrences that have significant effects: mechanic’s liens and construction accidents. We will discuss in detail how contractors and subcontractors can use mechanic’s liens to their advantage, and how owners and lenders can take steps to protect against them. We will also explore how, in addition to proper safety protocols, construction participants can take steps to mitigate accident liability through the proper use of insurance and indemnity.

9:00 am

Meeting Wrap-up

Thursday, April 6, 2023
8:00 am to 9:00 am


Cohen Seglias
1600 Market Street, 2nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103