Smart Buildings - Technology and Insurance Working Together To Save You Frustration & Money
Sponsor: Annemarie Caruso of First American Title
Location and Space Sponsor: Michael Ecker from the Law office of Eckert Seamans – Liberty Place, 50 South 16th Street 22nd Floor, Liberty Place Philadelphia PA 19102
When: Thursday, June 1st, 2023
8:00 am
Refreshment provided by Annemarie Caruso of First American Title. Open networking for 20 minutes.
8:20 am
Group welcomes quick discussion on the future and vision of T.A.P. – Led by Jay T. Crosby of Emmanuel Insurance
Announcement of Business Development Committee – Chris Freddo of Truist Bank
Announcement of Marketing/Membership Committee – Annemarie Caruso of First American Title
8:25 am
Stephanie Turzanski of VinVu & Jay T. Crosby of Emmanuel Insurance will present - "Smart Buildings – Technology and Insurance Working Together To Save You Frustration & Money."
Learn how to save significant amounts of money long term by being technologically proactive on your projects. By adding safety and protection for your building, your tenants, and yourself, you can procure the deepest discounts on insurance, removing or lessening a claim before or when it occurs. Eliminate and lessen the frustration of claim events from an owner/landlord standpoint.
9:00 am
Meeting Wrap-up
Thursday, June 1, 2023
8:00 am to 9:00 am
Law office of Eckert Seamans
Two Liberty Place
50 S. 16th St
22nd Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19102